Only in Western Civilization would this article ever exist: Should You Sacrifice Love for Work?
The fact that such an article not only exists, but that a “reputable” news agency like CNN ran it makes me sick. Love or work? Really?! There are very few people I know that actually love their jobs. Most of them are simply putting up with them so they can pay their bills and finance happy hour. Some people I know actually hate their jobs. The ones that love them are few and far between and seem to mostly be business owners.
(Most)People get jobs for one underlying reason, to make money. People want to make money for all sorts of reasons. To pay off school debt (my main reason), have a nice house, a nice car, show off, travel (which I do wish I could do more of), and many others. Why people justify their jobs is not what I’m particularly interested in however. What I am interested in/disgusted with is the fact that it is mainstream to choose a job that you likely don’t even love over a person you do.
I don’t care if you work for a fortune 500 company and have an office with a view. If you meet the man/woman that you love it shouldn’t matter. If having them in your life requires you to drop the job that pays you six figures, do it. I could pull on about 1,000 clichés right now discussing never putting money over love. I won’t do that, but keep in mind that old wisdom often becomes cliché over time.
This society is so based on being solitary. It’s quite frowned upon for people to work together that have a romantic relationship, yet this is something that essentially used to happen all of the time. In many, if not most, indigenous societies people lived in thriving, functioning communities unlike anything we see often today. Men and women in love and not in love worked side by side. They may have had different tasks that separated them on some days by several miles, but they were a community, and were never too far apart. I highly doubt they had any discussions about whether to go gather food or be in love, they were things that existed together and wouldn’t make any sense to separate.
The careers of the twenty first century, however, are all about separation. Separation from ownership and the employees. Separation between the office workers and those in the factories. Separation from the factories and the results of their production.
Profiting off of both human and non human pain and suffering REQUIRES separation.
This separation then leaks into other areas of our lives, including relationships.
Don’t let it. Never be the one who gave up love for a dependable direct deposit.
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