I know that every blog writer claims they will start posting again and that they never do. I am going to make the same claim and try to hold myself to it. There really is no excuse for me not to post at least every other day throughout the work week. This post is going to be in response to an article/blog post I read here: http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-do-we-live-in-a-rape-culture/?obref=obinsite
I understand that the target reader of The Frisky isn’t necessarily the most intelligent of folks, but this article seems to touch on a concept the writer hasn’t known about previously and then uses a poorly made YouTube video to prove the point.
Rape Culture? There are numerous books and essays about this very concept that touch on societies that DIDN’T have rape within them. Why not mention those? How about you actually do research before writing a response piece?
Here’s some good reading material on the concept (or that touches on the concept) that the writer of this article should have read before posting and trying to sound enlightened and intelligent.
The Culture of Make Believe-- By: Derrick Jensen
People of the Deer—By: Farley Mowat
Rape And Society:
Strange Piece of
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