Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Racist Liberal Media--I think only I saw that one coming

I almost punched a hole through my wall last night (or, rather, almost attempted to as I don’t know if I am strong enough to do it). I was not going to punch the wall out of happiness because Obama won (even though I did vote for him) and I was not going to lash out at my drywall because the republicans listening to McCain were nothing but rude. I planned to mutilate my wall because the media of this country made me want to hurt someone.

You all know already that the media makes me angry with their obviously biased stories, and the fact that they don’t even seem to pretend to be non-partisan anymore. That isn’t what made me angry to the point of violence (which I disagree with) yesterday. It was the overwhelming racism that no one but I seemed to notice that was seething from my television, my computer, and my radio.

People need to begin to realize that by putting people into groups we are segregating ourselves all over again. Station after station was reporting what white men, white women, black men, black women, latino men, latino women, young, old, clowns, goblins, voted. When will our society realize that by putting people into groups we are taking steps back instead of forward?

Last night NBC said that Obama had broken the “Black Ceiling” and I almost threw my Koosh ball at the TV (but I like my TV so I didn’t). Okay media, I’ll break it down real nice and easy for you. EVERY TIME you dwell on Obama’s race and the fact that he is the “first black president” (he’s half white too) you make racism worse in our country. By not simply treating him as a great man that won, but a black man that won, you separate him from the other great men who have led our country.

So here’s the plan: dwell not on his race or age, talk about what he is going to do for our country, what he is doing, and yes, what he hasn’t done. Be objective. Every second of airtime you waste by talking about race makes the issue worse and takes away from real journalism.

For the sake of my walls, electronics, and sanity, please stop segregating via studies and news stories.